DIY - A snack bag for the school

Well definetly I have a very little foresight, I did not know that young children had to wear a snack bag at school (well, I knew they had to bring food, but I believed that should be brought in a backpack). So swift and quick, I had to make a bag with some patchwork I had at home (luckily I never throw anything...) and two hours later here is the result:

DIY - Snack bag for school

This is the material I used to make a bag of 32x24cms:

  - Two pieces of pattern fabric of 26x23cms.
  - A piece of plain colored fabric, it will form the bottom part, of 26x28cms.
  - Two pieces of fabric to form the tube to pass the rope of 28x7.5cms
  - Two pieces of fabric to make a pair of loops and pass the rope of 5x6.5cms.
  - A ball of wool to make a plait to use it as a rope (though if I had had crochet chunky, it would be faster), we have to obtain two strings of 90cm each one.

DIY - Snack bag for school

Step by step:

1) We will join the two pattern pieces with the piece that will be the bottom part between them, placing the facing outer face with a zigzag stitch.

DIY - Snack bag for school

2) We make the tubes, putting the pieces inside out and making two doubles, one at each end of 2 cm and then will double over in half leaving the double inside.

DIY - Snack bag for school

3) With some pins we subject the tubes with the fabric also facing faces and sew zigzag, stitching one on each side of the fabric.

DIY - Snack bag for school

4) We make stitching on all seams to reinforce them and render them more beautiful.

DIY - Snack bag for school

5) We make a pair of loops to attach the rope with smaller pieces of fabric, folding them in half and each half in half again and then wiping them with a stitch.

DIY - Snack bag for schoolDIY - Snack bag for school

6) We fold the entire piece of fabric in half with the outer faces touching and putting the loops on the double, leaving folded part inside the fabric,and sew the side with a zigzag stitch (obviously, the tubes to pass rope will not sewed, so they are shorter than the rest of the fabric.) and to reinforce the seam also will pass a backstitch in the inside part of the zigzag seam.

DIY - Snack bag for schoolDIY - Snack bag for school

7) We turn inside out the bag and pass the rope or crochet chunky with the help of a hairpin, the idea for the bag closes just stretching the ropes, is to pass the rope first through a tube and then throuth the other back and tie it up to the loop and then to do the same with the other rope in the other direction.

DIY - Snack bag for schoolDIY - Snack bag for school

8) Et voilá, snack bag finished:
DIY - Snack bag for school
