Family binder

Traducción al Español

Something that I love seeing in Pinterest are 'Family Binders'. Its use seems to be quite extended in the United States but I haven't see anything like that in Spain or Spanish, it seems a good idea, isn't it?

I want to design one for next year and now I'm thinking about the sections that it should have, by now 

I think I'll add: 
- Calendar, the monthly table, so it will be easier to write down everything as appointments appear and then transcribe it to the monthly calendar I have in the kitchen panel

- Meals, to start planning the menu month to month, it will be easier also to make the shopping list :)

- Cleaning to create a weekly / monthly cleaning plans

- Payments, now that most companies only send electronic invoices here we will control what we have paid and when.

- Phones, with the idea of writting phone numbers such as the insurance company, the plumber, the kid school, those phones which we do not use often but when we need them we go crazy looking for ...

- Maintenance, maintenance control cars, gas boiler, etc ...

 - Shopping, to save a list of things to buy and that are not urgent, I don't know you but I spend the year saying 'at sales, I'm going to buy that thing' and when finally are the sales, I've forgotten what was It...

Do you find anything more I could add?
