Tips to be more productive

Traducción al Español.
Here I share with you some of the tips that works better for me to increase my productivity and get to finish all those tasks I have been doing. Do you know any other?

tips productivity

1. Make a list with all your tasks.

And have it near you to add the new tasks, this way we will achieve two things, not to let half done what we are doing and not to forget what we should do after finishing the task.
Here you have a 'To Do' list, you may also use an app in your smartphone if you don't want to waste paper, but for me is a pleasure to mark the finished tasks :D.

2. Plan your day the night before.
We just need 10 minutes to do it, we take the tasks list and we choose 3 of them (let's start only with a few), the ideal would be to choose the most complicated one as first and so, avoid the temptation of procrastinate it eternally.
Here you have my daily plan to write your 3 most important tasks, some others if you have enough time, an space to write down pending calls and emails, and urgent purchases, and, of course, don't forget to hydrate.

3. Get up early

There's an Spanish saying that says literally: 'God helps whoever gets up early' (Equivalent to the english 'The early bird gets the worm'), well theologies apart, almost all human are more productive in the morning just rested, so we have to take advantage of those first hours. I use to wake up between 1 hour and 1 hour an half before the rest of my family and that silence little while goes really well for me.

4. Let emails and news for afterwards

If we wake up full of energy and rested, instead of burying ourselves reading emails or watching news, we should take advantage of that moment to progress with the tasks that need a bigger effort and let the emails and news for later (of course, the social media too)

5. Take frequent small rests

When you feel more overwhelmed and think you don't have time to rest, then is the moment you most need to rest, this way your mind will clear and will permit you to better focus. The idea is to take those rest minutes to breath, relax, hydrate or just not to think in anything. We may use time organizacion techniques that force us to take rests, one of the most used is the Pomodoro technique that consist of dividing the work time in half hour blocks, working during 25 minutes without distractions and taking breaks of 5 minutes before startin the next block.

6. Organize your stuff

Keep organized our stuff, from tools, documents, notes, etc., help us to have them ready when we will need it, and so we don't waste time looking for them.

7. Appoint a specific time in the day for repetitive tasks.

If you make some repetitive tasks during the day is better to designate them a time, so they will not distract you. For instance, we may asignate specific hours to check email, the phone messages or social media.

8. Not to multitasking
Ok, there are some people that are good at multitasking, but let's face it, most of us end up leaving most of those task half done and, in the better case, although we don't forget to continue with it, the lost time until we get the working rhythm again doesn't compensate. Focus in a single activity ensures complete it in less time and with better results.
