How to blog like a serious person... or almost

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If something stands out in my blogs is the total lack of planning on them, the first one I did, didn't minded me much, it hasn't a particular thematic and it was just an entertainment, but as I have created the others I find that this lack of organization makes me have them careless and half-forgotten, and that's not good, nor for the possible readers nor for the possible income (by now inexistents) nor for me, at the end it remains secondly and seems that I only post to say 'Hey! I'm still alive!'

I have created a blog planner (I tell you that all this of planners has me totally adicted)

It has: a page to write our objectives, another for passwords, other for writing posts ideas, one for notes, another to take notes of ideas from other webs, you know, that kind of header you like or how are designed the menus, so we can have it written and when we start changing our blog design we will have all the ideas together.

There is a page for every month to plan the post publishing and to veryfy it, and finally a space to develop a bit more the post ideas, description, keywords, cathegories, etc...

Here you have it if you want, I hope you like it.

Besides, as I want to take it a bit more serious, I'm going to create a "blog" cathegory to share with you tips, tutorials and information in general about the blogs world for those of you who are curious.

In case you don't have the font installed it's a Bauhaus 93
