Hi!!!! Let me introduce myself

Translation to Spanish

Well this is my first post of my new blog, I'm not new in blogger, but trying not to mix apples with oranges, I decided to create this blog to post things related to motherhood, the most homely part of my life, and various little things.

I'll tell you a little about myself, I'm a working mom (to call me a SuperMom, is highly questionable ...) I'm 33 years old (in a couple of months I'll be 34 y.o., phew), I have a little boy of almost 3 years old (hereinafter SuperBoy XD), and expecting another baby to be born in October. And here, I am trying to organize my work, the house (this is something I cannot complain because I receive a lot of help from my husband), the SuperBoy, schedules and trying to find a little free time for me... So, to be a supermom without overwhelm me :)

Years ago, back in 2007, I started writing a blog, Tiempo que matar, is called, which as the name suggests showed all the free time I had that allowed me to write about the most varied things (and absurd, why deny it) now the poor blog, is almost abandoned, of course, occasionally I visit it to remove the cobwebs, but is no longer what it was...

I also have a cooking blog, Tiempo de Cocinar, this is more updated, but lately I do not to cook much, I mean, I do not do anything flashy, I think by now we all know how to cook some green beans with potatoes XD.

Sorry, both blogs are written only in Spanish...

Well, roughly, this is me, I hope you enjoy this blog and also hope to find inspiration to publish something and not to be one of those 'wonderful' blogs that only have a home page :)
